Lyre Harp Guides
Lyre for Beginner Series Playlist
Click on the photo to view the new lyre tutorial series created with the very beginner in mind. This is a simple and quick tutorial overview. Links will be provided where applicable on a more in-depth video tutorial or handout. I hope that this helps those who are looking into beginning their lyre journey using diatonic lyres. Happy Playing 💕
Lyre Unboxing and Comparison Playlist
Click on the photo to view the lyre unboxing and comparison videos I did of the lyres I own. The videos were created to give you a chance to see and hear the lyres and help you decide for yourself whether you like them or not. I am not affiliated with any supplier and am not paid or received goods to produce the reviews. These are my honest thoughts. Happy Playing 💕
Learn to Play the Lyre By Chord Playlist
Click on the photo to view the lyre by chord tutorial playlist created with the very beginner in mind. Learning to play a few chords on the lyre is one of the simplest ways simplest way to get started withI hope that this helps those who are looking into beginning their lyre journey using diatonic lyres. Happy Playing 💕
Changing from wire to nylon strings
This is a long video for a long process. This video is created to assist with questions on is it possible to change from wire to nylon strings, where to start, what are the steps and end result. Please note I am not a luthier. What you are viewing is my personal experience and simply sharing to help answer questions. Results will vary, depending on your lyre and strings you use. This accompanying PDF shows the steps I outlined as well as conclusions I came to.
Get to know your lyre
There are many different types of lyres from ancient replicas and modern lyres.
Knowing the lyre you have will help you identify the method of playing that will suit the instrument better, narrow down the type of songs you are able to and would like to play.
It will also help you find out the best care and maintenance that is required for your instrument.
Click on the image to enlarge and explore this sample of a modern lyre.
Lyre harps will fall under these two types: Diatonic or Chromatic. Knowing the difference will allow you to choose the one that suits your current goal, budget and aspirations. Both are capable of playing beautiful, relaxing music. Both are rewarding. Both are able to provide lasting joy and great feelings of accomplishments.
Click on the image, to learn more of the details between the two.
Quick video to show the difference between Chromatic Lyres and Diatonic Lyres made easy
Lyre Tuning
How to tune your lyre harp is an essential knowledge in learning to play your instrument. Tuning the lyre harp is simple but can be time consuming at the start. For a fantastic written out guide Click on the tuning basic picture. For a video on things to keep in mind when tuning your lyre harp for the first time, click on the video links below.
Fix Loose or Slipping Tuning Pegs
Quick and impromptu recording of step by step instruction on how to fix loose or slipping tuning pegs and get your lyre to hold pitch and stay in tune.
First Time Tuning What to Keep in Mind
How to Tune a Lyre (16, 10, 7 Strings)
How A Hold A Lyre
The next step in how to play the lyre is learning how best to hold it. This will vary and depend much on the style and size of your lyre. The method of playing you have chosen will also affect this. Because there are many different typed of lyres and playing variations and individual preferences, there is no one size fit all. We must determine the best way and position that works for us by observing others that play the same type of instrument and use similar method and see if it works well for how we are built. The key thing is to ensure that we are maintaining optimal position to avoid strain, fatigue and injury. Playing the lyre harp is meant to be a beautiful, joyful experience. Click on the image to show more details. For more information, check out the video tutorials to find the video on how I hold my lyre as an example
Lyre Music Reading Basic
Click on the images below to get basic information on reading music and how the strings of the lyre correlates to the notes on music sheet. Video lesson also available on the Tutorial Page.
Play the lyre - Rhythm
Rhythm is the first element of music. Rhythm dictates movement or motion in music. This is achieve with the use of notes and rests. Notes are sounds we produce and rests are silences we observe. Rhythms are produced through various combinations of note and rest durations. The rests are just as important as the notes that we play. Click on the image to learn more about Rhythm.
Play the lyre - Melody
Melody is the second element in music. Often referred to as the “tune.” It is often the most memorable part of the music. Melody is the arrangement of sounds that have different “pitches.” These represent the “high” and “low” notes representing the tones that singers often sing. Melody works hand-in-hand with rhythm and indeed needs to have rhythm to function. Click on the image to learn more about playing melody for the lyre.
How to Play the Lyre Harp
Simple introduction to some of the lyre playing methods available. Click on the images to learn more.
Play the lyre - Harmony
Harmony is the third element of music . Harmony is as an accompaniment to a melody. and is represented with two or more pitches played at the same time. These can be sweet and soothing sounds as well as dissonant. Harmony can be a simple learn, but is also a very complex subject that can take time to master. Harmony in music is built using triads called chords. Harmonic progressionsa are often used in music. To learn more about harmony, chords and chord progressions click on the images below.
Changing Metal Strings to Nylon
Aklot and Cega Lyre Comparison
Solid Body & Boxed Lyre Comparison
Lyre Care Basic
Keeping our instruments in the best condition is a must for playing well and enjoying our music for long term. Taking care of your lyre is fairly simple and is not much different to taking care of other string instruments. Keeping it good temperature, in tune, free of dust are just some othe day to day maintenance. For more information, click on the picture to learn more.
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